It is well known that David and Jonathan shared a deep and personal connection but their friendship represented much more than a bond between two people. For Colton's devotional tonight he talked about the parallels between David and Jonathan's relationship and the relationship between ourselves and Christ.
I think if we are being honest, most of us would say that we struggle with patience in some form or another. For Matt's devotional tonight, he talked about the patience that God demonstrated to his people throughout the bible and how being patient to others is something that we should all strive to do on a daily basis.
In a world full of negativity, it's easy to forget how impactful an encouraging word to others can be. For David's devotional tonight, he reminds us that tearing others down is not how God want us to treat those around us. We should strive to build each other up and strengthen each other at every opportunity.
If you're like me, you may find engaging in a community a little more work than it's worth, however being alone is not how God designed us to be. For Drew's devotional tonight, he talked about the desire God has for us to join together. We are to love and support each other and also allow ourselves to be helped by others in our times of need.
Is God simple or complex? While God's message of love towards his creation is clear and straight forward, there is so much more to him than we can possibly know. For Drew's devotional tonight, he talked about how we as God's followers should be in awe and admiration of God's complexity but also appreciate what is known about him. God will never be known absolutely, but we can know things about him that are absolutely true, so much so that we can be willing to live and die for those beliefs.